A Family Mystery: – by David Strover
April 12, 2012 8:14 am 6th October 1910 - Sandy, Bedfordshire Sandy's village doctor was sat in his surgery at a large roll-top desk checking through his morning calls. He was a dapper little man - rosy cheeks, goatee beard, wing collar, pin-stripe suit and patent leather boots complete with spats. He was about to depart on his morning calls around the village in his pony and trap but, at that moment, his telephone rang. The local constabulary required his presence in a nearby wood to examine a body which had been found by a dog walker that morning. The body had apparently been lying there for some considerable time and was in a terrible state. The doctor was unable to identify the body and enquiries were then set on foot. It transpired that the body was that of Dr Walter Strover, physician and surgeon, aged 55 years of Hoxton, North London, missing since 21st September. It came as a great shock to my grandfather Dr Herbert Strover, that his brother who he had not seen for 15 years had travelled from his home in London to take his life in a wood not far from his brother's surgery. The details of Dr Walter Strover's death appeared in the Biggleswade Chronicle dated 14th October 1910. The Article revealed a lot of questions which, to date, remain unanswered and leave a family mystery unresolved.Categorised in: Our Blog
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