Categories for Help Pages

Membership Application

This form is designed to capture the information we require to collect details about yourself and the type of membership you would like. The information we require is in order: Your NameYour email address - we will check that the email address has not already been registered in our database previously. If this is the […]

Bank Details

Our bank details are: Sort code 05-02-00 Account No: 29909467 Address: Yorkshire Bank, 154 To 158 Kensington High Street, London, W8 7RL Account Name: HARROGATE AND DISTRICT FAMILY

Help - namesearchFamily

Enter the full family name or include a "*" for a wildcard search. For example "Smi*" will match to "Smith" and "Smither", and "*on" will match to Johnston and Wellington. To use a sounds like match, please enter the full name prefixed with a %. For example %Smith will match to Smyth and Smith