Harrogate and District Family History Society is a small independent society which was established in 2006 having previously partnered with Ripon Historical Society. We are a registered charity run solely by enthusiastic volunteers with a passion for family and local history.
The object of the Society is to provide family history and Genealogy education for the benefit of anyone living in the Harrogate and surrounding areas or who have family links to that area.
Our programme of monthly meetings, held on the third Tuesday of each month, include an interesting series of presentations on varied subjects relating to family and local history. (See details on the Meetings page)
Members receive the Society journal three times per year. This contains reports on meetings, articles, details of forthcoming events and other useful information to aid your research.
From time to time trips & visits are arranged to which non members are welcome.
We transcribe and publish a range of records from Parishes registers, trade directories and many other sources which provide invaluable information for those researching their family. You will find a list of publications using the Resources link above.
We have a library of local and general reference books for members to borrow; please see details under the Resources link.
Harrogate & District Family History Society is a member of the Family History Federation (https://www.familyhistoryfederation.com/) and of the Yorkshire Group of Family History Societies (https://yorksgroup.org.uk/).
New members are always very welcome and we look forward to meeting you at one of our monthly meetings.
Please look around our site and if you have any questions, we would be only too pleased to hear from you.