Joining Our Society

Our family history society was formed in 2005, after splitting from Ripon & District Family History Society.  Our membership has grown and we are organizing activities and benefits for our members who do not live in the Harrogate area.  Our website is constantly being updated and we are aiming for  members to see and submit their views as well as named interests, queries and tips.


  • Publishing a journal named “Claro Ancestors”  three times per year
  • The committee can answer local queries submitted by email.
  • Meeting on the third Tuesday of the month (excluding August) at 7.30pm at St Paul’s Church Hall, Belford Road, Harrogate HG1 1JA , with an average attendance of 60.


  • Harrogate & District Family History Society have funded the rebinding of one extremely damaged old street directory in Harrogate library costing £300.  This directory has been rebound and is in Harrogate library.
  • We are providing a sales tray for WDYTYA 2013 including copies of our publication lists.
A group of members are collecting monumental inscriptions and transcribing parish registers which are edited and then uploaded to the internet. If you would like to join our society, please click here or complete our Membership Application Form. If you need to renew your membership, please use log into your membership account and there will be your subscription will be added to the shopping basket. Please proceed to the checkout page and there will be an option to pay by cheque. Please sent your cheque together with a copy of the membership details page to the Society's Membership Secretary,