
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month (but not during August) at 7.30 pm.  They are normally held at either:
  • St Paul's Church hall, Belford Road, Harrogate. For map and directions please click here.
  • Community House, 46-50 East Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5RR. For map and directions, please click here.
For a detailed list of lecturers and dates of our meetings please refer to our Programme of Lectures, but we have shown a list of forthcoming events on the right hand side. We welcome visitors to our meetings and have a suggested donation of £2.00 towards the cost of hiring the room and fees charged by speakers. There is ample opportunity to ask questions after each lecture and exchange information with other members. A raffle is held each month and tea and biscuits can be enjoyed by all. Come along and make new friends or renew old acquaintances, borrow a book from our library or find an answer to your research question.