
July 18, 2012 4:27 pm Published by Harrogate and District Family History Society started tweeting yesterday (17th July 2012) and to date we have 35 followers. We were joined by Calderdale FHS on the same day. Ryedale Family History Society has been tweeting for a while. As far as I can see there is only Birmingham FHS and FIBIS (Families in British India Society) who are tweeting. Who would have thought that a small Society such as ours would be leading the way with social networking for genealogy? We would like to share what is happening within our Society, our Speaker Programme and a list of relevant events happening at County and National Level so that our members are kept up to date with genealogy issues whilst they are current. Twitter is a simple, fast and effective way of communicating and sharing with a large number of like minded people. It is a micro blog i.e. a short blast of information delivered in 140 characters. Using a hashtag # we can identify the type of information it is and the type of people we wish to attract. We would attach the hashtag #genealogy and #familyhistory Contrary to some beliefs, Twitter is not just about telling the world what you had for breakfast! Our way of communicating is changing and developing. We would like to encourage more members to join our happy interest and what better way of reaching the #Harrogate and District community? Why not follow us on @hadfhs and see what it's all about? And follow our Programme Secretary, Pam Smith @genejean Enid this could go in the journal also?

Categorised in: Our Blog

This post was written by Pam Smith